All of WINDTRE’s events, initiatives and partnerships

Events, sponsorships and institutional initiatives

The Events, sponsorships and institutional initiatives in which WINDTRE stars
Not only presence on the territory but also the participation of important issues such as environment, culture, solidarity and art . With this formula WINDTRE stars as sponsor and is guest of events, with its brands.
WINDTRE: Two Gender Equality Certifications

The new UNI/PdR 125:2022 attests to gender equality, and for the third consecutive year, EQUAL-SALARY confirms pay equity within the company

WINDTRE, the world’s first telco to obtain EQUAL-SALARY certification, has successfully passed the monitoring phase for the third year in a row, reaffirming its commitment to pay equity between women and men, issued by the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation in collaboration with the University of Geneva and the support of PwC.

In addition to this certification, WINDTRE has also received the UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification from IMQ S.p.A., accredited by Accredia. As part of this initiative, WINDTRE has developed the Gender Equality Policy for the Group and established an internal steering committee responsible for implementing and directing the concrete actions outlined in the company’s Gender Equality Strategic Plan.


WINDTRE: Two Gender Equality Certifications

The new UNI/PdR 125:2022 attests to gender equality, and for the third consecutive year, EQUAL-SALARY confirms pay equity within the company

WINDTRE, the world’s first telco to obtain EQUAL-SALARY certification, has successfully passed the monitoring phase for the third year in a row, reaffirming its commitment to pay equity between women and men, issued by the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation in collaboration with the University of Geneva and the support of PwC.

In addition to this certification, WINDTRE has also received the UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification from IMQ S.p.A., accredited by Accredia. As part of this initiative, WINDTRE has developed the Gender Equality Policy for the Group and established an internal steering committee responsible for implementing and directing the concrete actions outlined in the company’s Gender Equality Strategic Plan.


WINDTRE Smart City Transformation Academy in Naples

Mobility, Tourism, and Services: Sustainability and Technological Innovation

On June 26, 2024, an event titled “Mobility, Tourism, and Services: Sustainability and Technological Innovation” took place at the Unione Industriali in Naples, specifically at Piazza dei Martiri. This event was organized in collaboration with Campania Digital Innovation Hub, as part of the Smart City Transformation initiatives of WINDTRE. The focus was on urban transformation in Italian cities and the potential to improve the environment and citizens’ health through services. Topics discussed included energy efficiency, big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and energy communities.


WINDTRE is a partner of Roma Pride 2024

The company reaffirms its commitment to the LGBTQ+ community this year, supporting civil rights, promoting inclusion, and driving social change

This partnership follows the company participation in Milan Pride in 2023. During the Roma Pride parade on June 15, WINDTRE had a corporate group marching.

Throughout the year, WINDTRE engages in various internal and public initiatives to foster cultural and social transformation. For example, during Pride month, the company provided webinars in partnership with PARKS – Liberi e Uguali Association, TV shows, films, readings, and useful FAQs related to the LGBTQ+ community, encouraging open and informed dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity.


WINDTRE is a partner of Roma Pride 2024

The company reaffirms its commitment to the LGBTQ+ community this year, supporting civil rights, promoting inclusion, and driving social change

This partnership follows the company participation in Milan Pride in 2023. During the Roma Pride parade on June 15, WINDTRE had a corporate group marching.

Throughout the year, WINDTRE engages in various internal and public initiatives to foster cultural and social transformation. For example, during Pride month, the company provided webinars in partnership with PARKS – Liberi e Uguali Association, TV shows, films, readings, and useful FAQs related to the LGBTQ+ community, encouraging open and informed dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity.


WINDTRE and the Italian Pediatric Society together for the NeoConnessi project

Starting in June, the NeoConnessi Decalogue will be available to families in the offices of pediatricians associated with SIP

WINDTRE and the Italian Pediatric Society (SIP) have started collaborating for the NeoConnessi Decalogue, which consists of ten guidelines to educate young people and their families about conscious use of the internet and digital devices. In this delicate educational process, pediatricians also play a key role as reference figures for children and their families regarding health and well-being. Thanks to this agreement, starting in June, the Decalogue will be distributed in pediatric offices along with the magazine “Pediatria” the official SIP publication distributed to over 11,000 pediatricians associated with SIP.


Wind Tre successfully conducts the transformation of its customer engagement program with the support of Capgemini

Capgemini is supporting Wind Tre in its transition towards a contextual marketing automation model to cover the group’s different brands, market segments, as well as its entire service portfolio. It's also supporting the company in the design and implementation of a new "one-to-one customer engagement" approach. The new model is driven by real time marketing functionality covering all touchpoints and the integration of a customized set of prerequisite programs based on advanced technological suites.

The new approach enables Wind Tre to transform the customer engagement paradigm across the entire commercial cycle, including sales, marketing, and customer services. Thanks to a better understanding of its customers’ needs, Wind Tre has significantly transformed the operating model of its commercial functions, improving both the relevance of its commercial proposition and customer satisfaction.


Wind Tre successfully conducts the transformation of its customer engagement program with the support of Capgemini

Capgemini is supporting Wind Tre in its transition towards a contextual marketing automation model to cover the group’s different brands, market segments, as well as its entire service portfolio. It's also supporting the company in the design and implementation of a new "one-to-one customer engagement" approach. The new model is driven by real time marketing functionality covering all touchpoints and the integration of a customized set of prerequisite programs based on advanced technological suites.

The new approach enables Wind Tre to transform the customer engagement paradigm across the entire commercial cycle, including sales, marketing, and customer services. Thanks to a better understanding of its customers’ needs, Wind Tre has significantly transformed the operating model of its commercial functions, improving both the relevance of its commercial proposition and customer satisfaction.


WINDTRE is 'Leader of Sustainability'

We received the 'Leader of Sustainability 2024' recognition, becoming part of the ranking of the 200 large Italian companies awarded as the most sustainable, published in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore by Statista, an international company that deals with market research and data analysis. The research verified approximately 1900 companies based in Italy and was based on the analysis of 40 indicators in the three dimensions of sustainability. The recognition certifies WINDTRE's constant commitment to the development of active projects in the social, environmental and economic fields.

WINDTRE aims to achieve ambitious results in the three ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) areas by 2030, and has been promoting solutions and projects for years aimed at steering the country towards a more sustainable and inclusive future, with a quantitative approach and continuous tangible results over time.


WINDTRE’s NeoConnessi
The PRize award in the “Environmental and Sustainability” category

The Italian Public Relations Award promoted by UNA - Aziende della Comunicazione Unite

WINDTRE’s NeoConnessi project was awarded the prestigious The PRize award, the Italian Public Relations Award promoted by UNA - Aziende della Comunicazione Unite, in the “Environmental and Sustainability” category. The event, which was held in the breathtaking setting of the Belvedere Jannacci of Palazzo Pirelli in Milan, is Italy’s highest award for Public Relations, a constantly evolving and highly strategic field in the communications sector.
The NeoConnessi project’s candidacy was submitted by La Fabbrica.

Launched in 2018, the programme has reached approximately 15 thousand primary school classes, and over one million children, teaching how to use the Internet in a conscientious and responsible manner. The jury praised the creativity and strategy with which the NeoConnessi project tackled the challenges of the present, demonstrating a profound understanding of the market, and the ability to convey the essence of the brands.


WINDTRE’s NeoConnessi
The PRize award in the “Environmental and Sustainability” category

The Italian Public Relations Award promoted by UNA - Aziende della Comunicazione Unite

WINDTRE’s NeoConnessi project was awarded the prestigious The PRize award, the Italian Public Relations Award promoted by UNA - Aziende della Comunicazione Unite, in the “Environmental and Sustainability” category. The event, which was held in the breathtaking setting of the Belvedere Jannacci of Palazzo Pirelli in Milan, is Italy’s highest award for Public Relations, a constantly evolving and highly strategic field in the communications sector.
The NeoConnessi project’s candidacy was submitted by La Fabbrica.

Launched in 2018, the programme has reached approximately 15 thousand primary school classes, and over one million children, teaching how to use the Internet in a conscientious and responsible manner. The jury praised the creativity and strategy with which the NeoConnessi project tackled the challenges of the present, demonstrating a profound understanding of the market, and the ability to convey the essence of the brands.


WINDTRE received the award
in the "Large Companies" category for its Sustainability Report

The third edition of the Sustainability Report Award that Corriere della Sera Buone Notizie promotes with the technical consultancy of NeXt - Nuova Economia per tutti

This recognition demonstrates our company's commitment to creating a positive impact on society and the environment. Significant results were also achieved in 2023 which allowed us to be closer to the territory by supporting the digital and sustainable transformation of Italian cities by reducing the digital divide in small villages; more digitally responsible, reaching over 1 million families with digital and media education initiatives; closer to the environment by reducing our CO2 emissions by 46% with the aim of eliminating them by 2030.


WINDTRE illustrates the “Borghi Connessi” project during the National Assembly of Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages

The Municipality of Irsina, in the province of Matera, hosted the three-day event

From April 5th through 7th, the Municipality of Irsina, in the province of Matera, hosted the National Assembly of Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages.
The event focused on energy communities, recovery, the repopulation of the territories, and the exploitation of tourism opportunities.

During the three-day event, WINDTRE illustrated the “Borghi Connessi” sustainability project, which aims to promote the growth of small Italian municipalities through the dissemination of digital skills and smart technologies, with a focus on increasing digital culture and awareness among small municipalities, and carrying out initiatives that will benefit communities.


WINDTRE illustrates the “Borghi Connessi” project during the National Assembly of Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages

The Municipality of Irsina, in the province of Matera, hosted the three-day event

From April 5th through 7th, the Municipality of Irsina, in the province of Matera, hosted the National Assembly of Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages.
The event focused on energy communities, recovery, the repopulation of the territories, and the exploitation of tourism opportunities.

During the three-day event, WINDTRE illustrated the “Borghi Connessi” sustainability project, which aims to promote the growth of small Italian municipalities through the dissemination of digital skills and smart technologies, with a focus on increasing digital culture and awareness among small municipalities, and carrying out initiatives that will benefit communities.


WINDTRE adheres to Earth Hour 2024
With the WWF for the fight against climate change

Once again this year, WINDTRE will participate in Earth Hour, the international initiative promoted by the WWF that invites people to turn off their lights for an hour in a symbolic gesture aimed at raising awareness among citizens, cities, and companies around the globe of the urgent need to take action and to express a common commitment to overcoming the challenge posed by climate change, for a more sustainable future.

The company will adhere to the Earth Hour initiative, scheduled for Saturday 23 March, by switching off the lights at its main offices for one hour, from 8:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m., to show its support for the protection of the environment and nature, and encourages its customers, points of sale, and employees to do the same.

WINDTRE has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to environmental protection. In fact the company has reduced its CO2 emissions by 46% with respect to 2017, also thanks to its energy efficiency initiatives, and aims to eliminate its emissions by 2030.
WINDTRE has also been collaborating with the WWF for years, supporting initiatives such as the “Valore Oasi” project, dedicated to protecting and helping maintain three natural oases located near the company’s main offices.


WINDTRE BUSINESS and the Municipality of Montebelluna promote the school of the future

Cutting-edge services and products for ITS EINAUDI SCARPA

WINDTRE BUSINESS and the Municipality of Montebelluna have launched an innovative agreement for the creation of training courses in STEM subjects. In fact, teachers and students at the ITS Einaudi Scarpa institute will be involved in an unprecedented teaching model that focuses on Cyber Security, Big Data Analytics, and Robotics. This marks the first time that specific courses of study within the secondary education institution will focus on these particular subjects.

Thanks to the calls for bids announced within the context of the Scuola 4.0 NRRP, the ITS Einaudi Scarpa institute was able to acquire specific training courses from WINDTRE BUSINESS on Ethical Hacking, Secure Coding, OSINT, Threat Intelligence, Incident Response, Digital Forensics, and Malware Analysis. In addition, highly innovative robots have been provided for the training courses in the fields of robotics and programming. Big Data Analytics services will also be available, thus enabling students to learn how the knowledge and study of data can be useful for planning and optimising services throughout the country.


WINDTRE BUSINESS and the Municipality of Montebelluna promote the school of the future

Cutting-edge services and products for ITS EINAUDI SCARPA

WINDTRE BUSINESS and the Municipality of Montebelluna have launched an innovative agreement for the creation of training courses in STEM subjects. In fact, teachers and students at the ITS Einaudi Scarpa institute will be involved in an unprecedented teaching model that focuses on Cyber Security, Big Data Analytics, and Robotics. This marks the first time that specific courses of study within the secondary education institution will focus on these particular subjects.

Thanks to the calls for bids announced within the context of the Scuola 4.0 NRRP, the ITS Einaudi Scarpa institute was able to acquire specific training courses from WINDTRE BUSINESS on Ethical Hacking, Secure Coding, OSINT, Threat Intelligence, Incident Response, Digital Forensics, and Malware Analysis. In addition, highly innovative robots have been provided for the training courses in the fields of robotics and programming. Big Data Analytics services will also be available, thus enabling students to learn how the knowledge and study of data can be useful for planning and optimising services throughout the country.


The Gemelli Anti-Violence Centre marks its one year anniversary

425 telephone calls, 195 encounters, and 61 women taken-in over twelve months of activity

The S.O.S. LEI Anti-Violence Centre of the A. Gemelli IRCCS University Hospital in Rome reports on its first year of activity. Created thanks to a partnership between WINDTRE, the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation IRCCS and the Assolei Association, the centre is located within the Percorso Donna (Women’s Pathway) of the Gemelli Emergency Ward, and is open to all women who have suffered violence or abuse.
A summary of the main intervention data is provided below. Since 2 March 2023, the S.O.S. LEI Anti-Violence Centre has handled over 425 telephone calls and over 195 in-person encounters, and 61 women have been taken-in and provided with legal assistance and/or mental health care to help them escape the violence they have suffered.
The 12 specialised operators at Assolei APS, who manage the Gemelli AVC, offer reception services free of charge, both by telephone and in-person. S.O.S. LEI is also managed in full compliance with the guidelines of the Lazio Region and the State-Regions Agreement of 2014 .


WINDTRE and the Public Administrations working towards the ecological transition and energy savings

The “Smart City Transformation Academy”, a digital education initiative dedicated to Public Administrations launched by WINDTRE, was held on February, 23rd in Rome. The focus of the initiative was digital technologies for environmental improvement, energy savings, and innovation, as drivers of change for Public Administrations.
The energy challenge is one of the main factors for the innovation and transformation of production processes: efficient energy use enables public administrations and companies to reduce costs and negative impacts on the environment.

Mayors and local government officials took part in the Transformation Academy. The sessions were led by Toni Federico, the ASVIS Working Group Coordinator for SDGs 7 and 13 (Energy and Climate), and Laura Lapenna, FPA Training Area Manager, with presentations by managers of specialised partner companies.


WINDTRE and the Public Administrations working towards the ecological transition and energy savings

The “Smart City Transformation Academy”, a digital education initiative dedicated to Public Administrations launched by WINDTRE, was held on February, 23rd in Rome. The focus of the initiative was digital technologies for environmental improvement, energy savings, and innovation, as drivers of change for Public Administrations.
The energy challenge is one of the main factors for the innovation and transformation of production processes: efficient energy use enables public administrations and companies to reduce costs and negative impacts on the environment.

Mayors and local government officials took part in the Transformation Academy. The sessions were led by Toni Federico, the ASVIS Working Group Coordinator for SDGs 7 and 13 (Energy and Climate), and Laura Lapenna, FPA Training Area Manager, with presentations by managers of specialised partner companies.