Our Vision

‘Here at WINDTRE we are committed to eliminating distances between people, because we know that much closer we can achieve a more sustainable future.
We promote ethics, integrity, inclusion and we work to guarantee reliability, equal access, transparency and a safer digital environment for everyone, even for those who are most fragile.

We believe in an inclusive technology that it’s also capable of improving health, the environment and people’s quality of life. We work for environmental protection and to reduce emissions also involving our supply chain. We make digitalisation, innovation and skills available to the community and Institutions to enable the digital and sustainable transition, guaranteeing proximity to our territories.’

Wind Tre is committed to building a more sustainable future by integrating sustainability into business activities with environmental and social initiatives and projects that refer to the key themes identified together with all interested parties.

These topics of greatest interest are classified into three areas: More Responsibility, More Humanity, More Green.



For us, sustainability is concrete and integrated into the business


We ensure high ethical standards and an integrated certification system to guarantee quality and a safety in all our processes.


Since 2022, WINDTRE has been the world’s first telco certified by EQUAL-SALARY, confirmed today for the third consecutive year. In 2024, the company also obtained UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification for gender equality.


More than 4 million people and businesses protected by our cybersecurity solutions.


We have reduced our CO2 emissions by 46% compared to 2017, the year Wind Tre was founded, with the aim of eliminating them by 2030.


More than 1,5 million children and families involved since the launch of the educational program.


EcoVadis rating improved, one of the largest networks in the world for evaluating corporate sustainability: +25% in 2023 compared to 2022. WINDTRE is in the top 1% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the Telco sector in 2023.

We have always been committed to producing ideas and solutions to build a more sustainable and inclusive future.

To maximize our positive impact on society and on the planet, we have defined, together with representatives of all stakeholders, the issues on which we want to make a difference. These themes, and the resulting actions, refer to 3 key areas.

We received the 'Leader of Sustainability 2024' recognition, becoming part of the ranking of the 200 large Italian companies awarded as the most sustainable, published in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore by Statista, an international company that deals with market research and data analysis . The research verified approximately 1900 companies based in Italy and was based on the analysis of 40 indicators in the three dimensions of sustainability. The recognition certifies WINDTRE's constant commitment to the development of active projects in the social, environmental and economic fields.


During the third edition of the Sustainability Report Award that Corriere della Sera Buone Notizie promotes with the technical consultancy of NeXt - Nuova Economia per tutti, WINDTRE received the award in the "Large Companies" category for its Sustainability Report.
This recognition demonstrates our company's commitment to creating a positive impact on society and the environment.
Significant results were also achieved in 2023 which allowed us to be:
closer to the territory by supporting the digital and sustainable transformation of Italian cities by reducing the digital divide in small villages;
more digitally responsible, reaching over 1 million families with digital and media education initiatives;
closer to the environment by reducing our CO2 emissions by 46% with the aim of eliminating them by 2030.

WINDTRE and the Agenda 2030

In developing our sustainability model, we were inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals. In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the 2030 Agenda. Governments, NGOs, businesses, civil society: all are called to cooperate, pooling resources and skills for a more sustainable future.

The United Nations Global Compact is the world's largest strategic corporate citizenship initiative. It stems from the desire to promote a sustainable global economy: one that respects human and labor rights, protects the environment and combats corruption. The CK Hutchison Group and WINDTRE participate in the corporate responsibility initiatives and principles promoted by the United Nations Global Compact to confirm their commitment to the realization of a more sustainable future.

"Businesses for People and Society" Manifesto

WINDTRE has signed the "Businesses for People and Society" Manifesto, the text aimed at companies and drawn up by the UN Global Compact Network Italy, the local network of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world. By signing the Manifesto, WINDTRE undertakes to strengthen the role of the social dimension in its corporate strategies to generate long-term value also in the supply chain and in the communities in which it operates. The Manifesto is here available

Our Goals

We have defined a long-term ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Plan, 10 ambitious goals aligned with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. A concrete, measurable program, realized with the participation of all business areas and totally integrated into the business.
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