WINDTRE has always been committed on making its operations more environmentally sustainable. These are challenges that can no longer be postponed on which everyone, starting with companies, should do their part. For years we have been committed in reducing our emissions and making a more efficient use of resources. We support the "twin transition," the green and digital transition, enabled by investments in 5G and digital technologies, required to make our cities and communities more sustainable.
We have reduced our CO2 emissions by 46% compared to 2017, the year Wind Tre was founded, and one of our ESG objectives is to eliminate them by 2030.
Since our birth, we have been collaborating with WWF Italia sui climate change issues. We celebrated achieving these objectives with the «oasis project», which contributed the redevelopment of the three WWF oases closest to our main offices. We also support the initiative every year "Earth Hour" with the collaboration of our people and our sales network.
We are more sustainable in our Stores thanks to LED lighting, air quality monitoring platforms, reduced paper consumption and employees’ eco-friendly uniforms. In addition, we have a fleet of shared company cars in our offices, full electric and hybrids, and numerous charging points.
For years, WINDTRE has been committed to significantly limiting its energy consumption, thus helping to meet the challenge of the energy transition but at the same time continuing to guarantee high infrastructural performance. To testify the relevance of this issue for WINDTRE, the company has since its inception defined a partnership on climate and energy with WWF Italy; a collaboration that includes joint monitoring and the reduction of CO2 emissions, which are the main environmental impact of the company.
WINDTRE works alongside local administrations as advisors to jointly design the digital and "green" transition of Italian cities, from a sustainable and inclusive perspective, creating a positive social and environmental impact. VIEW MORE
WINDTRE works with commercial and technological partners to develop IoT solutions, support companies and end users, and improve the quality of work and lifestyles view more
THE URBAN WOODS OF WINDTRE After having created a WINDTRE forest, in Taranto and in Treviso, we continue to make our contribution to environmental sustainability by joining the WWF VALORE OASI project, supporting the protection and safeguarding of the Macchiagrande Oasis near Fiumicino.
The WINDTRE LUCE&GAS offers are eco-sustainable thanks to the light that is 100% certified by "Guarantees of Origin" from the electronic certification that certifies the renewable origin of the sources used for the production of electricity and the gas that is offsetting of CO2 emissions obtained through the purchase of certified carbon credits. View More
The Oasis Project becomes a book!An illustrated volume, created in collaboration with the WWF to support the fundamental importance of protecting nature and biodiversity. It collects drawings and questions from the children and grandchildren of WINDTRE people who participated in the Oasis project in 2022, as well as an unpublished story by Federico Moccia. Learn more
The Oasis Project supports the requalification and management of the WWF Oasis closest to 3 of our main offices, Rho, Rome and Pozzuoli, through the symbolic gift of 2 square metres of oasis to each WINDTRE employee.
Energy Supervisor is the WINDTRE BUSINESS energy management service to enable the digital evolution of energy cost and consumption management, helping to improve efficiency, productivity, sustainability of organizations and businesses thanks to Smart Building models and Smart Cities.View More
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