For us at WINDTRE, privacy and data security is an important issue, as we store a huge amount of information about our customers and their habits and preferences in our systems. At WINDTRE, we take all necessary measures to carefully monitor the security of data and information, as well as compliance with privacy and recent cybersecurity regulations, in the interests of our customers. We have an eGRC Governance, Risk Management and Compliance system in place, which allows us to monitor the entire data processing chain and analytically assess the level of compliance of each system involved. In addition to periodically carrying out a data processing risk assessment, in the case of new services we carry out preventive analyses to ascertain the legality of the proposed processing methods. WINDTRE also has regular contact and a well-established working relationship with the Italian Data Protection Authority, helping to define best practices for protecting privacy in the context of telecommunications. We also continuously invest in Cyber security, strengthening the risk prevention and mitigation processes, based on the concept of Security by Design, which translates into providing security criteria proportionate to the level of exposure of the company's and its customers' data, right from the requirements formulation stages, and then in the practical design of the solutions.